Project Africa


Project Africa is a charity dedicated to building sustainable football pitches for communities across Africa. 

Due to the lack of adequate playing surfaces, equipment and coaches which hinder the game's development across the continent, it is the goal of Project Africa to better Africa’s playing conditions and create opportunities for communities in need.

If you’re in the luckiest one per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.

—Warren Buffett

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Project Africa's founder, Max Keens, will be running to every Premier League stadium in England to raise money for their next 4 football pitches.

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Project Africa in Mbarara, Uganda

Mbarara, Uganda

Project Africa’s first project saw them travel to Mbarara, a city in the south west of Uganda. Project Africa were there supporting the incredible Salim Twaha, founder of Mbarara Sports Academy. MSA was created to help kids with different backgrounds, from aspiring football players to street kids. They help the youth in the community learn through football drills.

Project Africa in Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya

Following on from Uganda, Project Africa headed straight to Nairobi, the capital of Kenya, connecting with David Mulo, the founder of Green Kenya. Green Kenya is a charity founded to help children learn social impacts like HIV awareness and gender equality through their love of football. These lessons help an array of children including kids in the slums at the heart of Nairobi like Mukuru Kwa Slums.